Race and Equity Census 2020 Data Hub


Assist with reducing the potential undercount in the 2020 Census using mapping

The Racial Equity Anchor Collaborative (consisting of nine national organizations) hired CensusChannel as their GIS consultant to develop an online mapping solution to assist organizations with search and finding potential undercounted areas.


The Development of the Race and Equity Census 2020 Data Hub

CensusChannel developed the Race and Equity Census 2020 Data Hub. CensusChannel utilized ESRI’s ArcGIS Desktop to process Census data and upload to the ArcGIS Online platform. Map layer joined Census 2010 Self Response Rates, Hard to Count indices, and 2020 Self Response Rates with race and ethnicity data. ESRI’s Data Hub platform integrated all mapping applications, dashboards, and story maps in to a common portal.


Targeting Success

The Data Hub ultimately contained a set of tools that enabled organizations to query map data at the state, county, city, and census tract levels by race and ethnicity. Using the Data Hub the anchor organizations were able to locate potential undercounted areas that match the organization’s constituency.